Yoga is an ancient practice that has deep relevance in today’s modern world. Yoga helps us to connect mind, body, and spirit and generates a sense of health and wholeness.
Debra’s Teaching Style
Debra teaches group classes, private classes and is available for corporate classes, and relaxation workshops. Debra teaches all levels of Yoga classes from Gentle and Restorative to active and more challenging. Sessions are fun and dynamic and still allow space for reflection and deep relaxation.
Making the Most of Your Yoga Experience
- Please arrive ten minutes early to sign in, get your space, and prepare for class.
- It is best not to eat two hours before practice.
- Wear comfortable clothing and bare feet.
- Do your best to pay close attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to prevent injury and enjoy the poses.
- Classes are for all levels of ability. Be compassionate with yourself and be willing to honor where you are at any given time.
- Yoga is non-competitive. Avoid comparing yourself to others or even to how you do one day compared to another. Just by making an attempt you are doing yoga.
- A little discomfort is normal sometimes, but if you ever feel pain come out of the pose immediately and alert the teacher.
- You are welcome to come to class with an injury. Modifications of the poses can be beneficial. Do not come to class if you are ill and infectious.
- Turn off all cell phones, pagers, and alarm watches before class.
- Please inform the teacher of any medical conditions or injuries and seek the advice of a physician or chiropractor.
- Know that the poses you resist are often the ones you need most.
- You are practicing in a safe, nurturing environment. Please let the teacher know after class if you are bothered by anything in any way.
- If an instruction is not clear to you or you would like more information, please ask questions. If you have a question, chances are other members of the class will benefit from the answer as well.
- Be open to new experience.
- Please refrain from heavy perfume or cologne in class. Some of your fellow students may be sensitive or allergic.
- Let the instructor know when it is your monthly cycle. Some poses need to be modified at this time.
With Love and Respect, I welcome you.
Debra Hodgen, E-RTY 200